We are partnering organisations from across Europe, whose aim is to improve the learning outcomes of education in juvenile settings through the direct and active promotion of inclusive learning environments. Along with that, we strive to improve the management of teaching & learning professionals in the juvenile justice system in the partner countries and at European level supporting teachers, educators and leaders of educational institutions in dealing with and reinforcing socio-economic diversity in the learning environment of the criminal justice for children and youth.

With the completion of this project, we are looking to develop:

  • A practical method to work with children and youngsters, under the form of a manual for teachers. The European Community Passport toolbox, which is a very concrete box of auxiliary materials, games, pictures, small objects, to be used in evaluation and implementation of learning contexts.
  • A support mechanism for teachers and professionals from both justice and education that interact with children and youth correctional settings (competencies, and youth in self-development tools, practice, materials).
  • A practice for the professionals to put on the public agenda the needs of their clients and to push for a change at European level in connecting education with justice to safeguard an inclusive learning environment, with no exclusion and marginalization.

We believe that this project will contribute to:

  • Consistent progress in the professionalization of correctional and juvenile justice education.
  • Opening of the prison / detention alternative detention settings towards the lifelong learning culture.
  • Measurable increase in the quality of juvenile justice teaching and the interest of teachers towards working with minor young offenders using focused methods to create inclusive learning environments.
  • Better equipped teachers in navigating the first days of working in juvenile justice settings.
  • Better learning outcomes for children and youngsters with higher chances of successful education.